Le Restituzioni biografiche al Conferenza europea dell’EACWP

Le Restituzioni biografiche alla Conferenza internazionale dell’EACWP – Scuola Holden.
Venerdì 23 settembre avrò l’occasione di presentare la pratica della Restituzione biografica nell’ambito della Conferenza Internazionale dell’EACWP, associazione europea che riunisce le principali scuole di scrittura europee. Al pomeriggio sarà possibile, per gli iscritti alla Conferenza, partecipare al laboratorio “At Christmas… give a memory” un’occasione per praticare la Restituzione biografica e prepararsi al Natale con una nuova idea per un regalo davvero speciale.

Il desiderio di scoprire nuovi sguardi e scambiare idee e saperi con i numerosi esponenti europei presenti renderà speciale questa esperienza.

Vi racconterò.

EACWP International Conference: Creative Writing and Storytelling

In one week time, the EACWP inaugurates this new academic year 2016-2017 in Turin (Italy) with its greatest event of the year: the III International Pedagogical Conference. Enrollment is still open for last minute participants and the program is now available for all teachers, researchers and students interested


Hosted by our partners from Scuola Holden (Italy), from the 22nd to the 25th of September (2016), colleagues from all over Europe will convene at Piazza Borgo Dora to celebrate a series of workshops, short tracks and a rich spectrum of varied activities settled around our main conference topic: Creative Writing and Storytelling.

Founded in 1996, the project of Scuola Holden reborn was challenged and launched in 2013 under the name of an innovative interdisciplinary pedagogical proposal: Scuola Holden Storytelling & Performing Arts. Hence, encouraged by our star partner in the storytelling domain, our III International Conference will bear around the pedagogy and didactics dealing with both disciplines —Creative Writing and Storytelling— as two separate and complementary languages, mingled and melted by creativity itself.

What does storytelling mean? Why do not Creative Writing and Storytelling mean the same? Which are the main differences between one and the other? How does creativity deal with each of them? And, ultimately, how creativity may be expressed over the two different disciplines?

In broad terms, these are some of the background questions that will be exchanging discussing and enriching our participants over our four days meeting.

The conference program

Our pedagogical program of the conference is now available.

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